I have been a quilter for 7 years, a mother for almost 40. I have raised boys and girls. To my astonishment the boys are the artistic bunch, the quilters and for the most part the cooks. Don't get me wrong we have some great cooks in the girls but, hmmmmmm not so much the quilting or sewing. I have longed for a girl to weekend quilt shop hop with, stay up until 2 a.m. and quilt with, hoard fabric with, share projects with and be all girly with.
Well I found her! Amy, our oldest son Lucas' wife, checks all the boxes in more ways than one. Not only is she an amazing woman, wife, step mom, cook and NOW, yes a quilter! I am giddy with excitement. Amy completes me, haha! She sends me quilty Pinterest pins, pictures of her newest fabric purchases, owns not one but 2 sewing machines. Be still my heart. Amy is presently planning a space for her "sewing room", does this get any better?

Lucas and Amy got the news they were going to be grandparents this year. She recently called and ask if she could come spend the weekend to make a baby quilt. I felt like the heavens had opened up. It was all I could do to wait for the weekend to get here.

We stayed up until 2 a.m., we laughed, plotted, planned and quilted together. I feel like I have given birth to a quilter. Now with the birth of their first grandchild approaching, birthing will continue. I have found a newness in my relationship with Amy, as they will experience a newness in their family. I am forever grateful to feel as if an important part of me will continue. There will be many projects, quilts and pillows that will be cherished. Just as I have experienced the birth of a quilter they will find joy in the birth of their first grandchild.
Much Love Amy!